Noun flashcards:

Noun flashcards in Urdu with English translation and IPA

Price: £9.54 inc VAT 

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These set of verb flashcards have 97 nouns with the Urdu noun, English translation, Urdu Transliteration and the IPA in Urdu.

Images used have been sourced from

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Why have we created these resources?

There is minimal availability of speech and language therapy resources that is geared towards the south Asian community. These flashcards are specifically created with the south Asian community in mind.

Each card includes the Hindi, Urdu or Punjabi translation and phonetic translation with the English translation.

Nouns and verbs have been chosen deliberately as they are relevant to the south Asian community. Additionally, the images chosen are diverse and inclusive, to allow individuals to be seen and represented.
– Word finding difficulties
– Speech intelligibility
– Aphasia
– Apraxia
– Memory and attention
– Categorisation
– Sentence formation
– Vocabulary

What are the benefits?

• Inclusivity – individuals who speak Hindi, Urdu or Punjabi as a first language will be able to overcome the communication barrier of speaking a language other than English. Being able to communicate in their own language will give them more confidence to share their preferences and decide for themselves. It will encourage them to engage in conversation, thus improve their communication skills.

• Cultural competence tool for healthcare professionals – Due to the English translation provided with Hindi/Urdu/Punjabi, this allows healthcare professionals to communicate and understand their patients of multilingual backgrounds, if there is no availability of a translator/ interpreter. This means being able to communicate instantly.

• Celebrating diversity – diverse resources such as these do not only assist both the patient and the healthcare professional in communication, but it also unites us in our diversity and celebrates our multilingual, multicultural society.


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    As these resources are a digital download format, we do not accept refunds, exchanges or cancellations. Please contact us at about any problems with your order.